Smack That Ass

The card game where you touch butts.

(It’s about consent.)

In this game the 88 cards are distributed to 2-6 players to which they take turns drawing and then playing a card from the top without looking. If an “Ass” card is drawn from a player’s deck all players must “Smack That Ass”! The first person that smacks the “Ass” card sets it aside and claims it as a point. However, if a player smacks a card that is not an “Ass” card they must either, skip the next smack-able card or forfeit all their points they have earned back into their deck.

If a player runs out of cards in their deck they can continue smacking cards until all other players run out of cards. The game ends when all cards are played and there are no longer any cards to smack. Players count all the “Ass” points they have earned. The player with the most points wins the game.

If there is a draw between players they must play again until one is crowned the winner.


Escape From Kute-thulhu (Card Game)